domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

Equally Destructive

Saudações, pessoal.

Eu não conhecia essa música (realmente ótima em termos de 'crítica' ao #estabelecido) tendo recebido o link de uma pessoa muito especial, no que decidi compartilhar aqui com todos os meus amigos. É bom que prestemos bastante atenção na letra, e, caso queiramos, divulguemos também o quanto mais possível. Abços. LJ.

Equally Destructive
After Forever

Ground is shaking waves are breaking
The wind has lost control
The air is shifting while it's lifting
Force fools gravity
A huge eruption, vast explosions
As it bursts the earth
Water's pounding, waves are sounding
Deadly and extreme
But we are equally destructive
Equally destructive as we are
Don't you think we've also gone too far?
We are just a part of this machine
And it's endless stream
Alarming silence predicts the violence
That is yet to come
We are senseless proud while blindness is
Catching up with us
We must measure while the pressure
Of nature's force expands
We feel minor, punished and meager
Betrayed by all our gods
We are a part of it, we are equally destructive
Equally destructive as we are
Don't you think we've also gone too far?
We are just a part of this machine
And it's endless stream
Equally destructive as we are
Don't you think we've also gone too far?
We are just a part of this machine
And it's endless stream.

Fonte: Terra letras

Um comentário:

  1. After Forever tem musicas fantásticas, mas essa eu ainda não conhecia...a musica diz tudo...we're as destructive...não é por acaso o mundo estar como está...isso tdo é gerado por nossa propria energia....não há separação!! Valeu querido!!


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